Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peeps Rice Krispies Treats

Alarmingly similar to Funfetti Pie.

My relationship with Peeps is fraught. It’s not that I dislike the little sugar-crusted chicks. Rather, it’s because I love them so much. I’m fiercely protective of my marshmallow Peeps—I only buy them at Easter, so I savor them, eating one a day until they’re gone. 

            My love has cost me.  

            The first time it happened, I was 9 years old, a chubby 5th grader who survived primarily on sugar. I'd carefully tucked my Peeps away in my Easter basket, like any fat kid would, to avoid sharing them. Then one disappeared. I leapt to action, and posted “Missing Peep” signs outside my father’s bedroom. He looks to have eaten more than his fair share of Peeps in life, so he seemed the most likely thief. He never confessed.

            Then, years later, it happened again, on a first date. After dinner, my date and I headed back to my place, and he promptly—rudelyraided my pantry. He zeroed in my Peeps (I can't blame him), and scarfed down every last pink bunny. I never went out with him again.

            All of this is to say, I need a little Peeps therapy. I tried to visit the Just Born factory, conveniently located a few miles from my apartment. They wouldn't let me in. So, I decided to liberate myself by melting down 1717!of the fluffy guys for Peeps Rice Krispies Treats. I even burned a few. 

Poor guys. They don't know what's coming.

Peeps Rice Krispies Treats
Adapted from: Serious Eats 

What you need
17 marshmallow Peeps
1.5 Tbsp butter
3 cups Rice Krispies cereal


Put it all together
  1. Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Add the Peeps, keeping each color in a separate part of the pan, and stir until melted. Do not leave them unattended or they will burn! As soon as the butter melts, remove the pan from the burner.
  2. Stir in Rice Krispies cereal, until the melted marshmallow is evenly dispersed.
  3. Press into a greased 8" square pan, and while still hot, top with sprinkles, gently squishing them into the Rice Krispies. Cool completely before serving.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the peeps floating in the hot melted butter is sorta sad!!
